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We have decided to Ban all wars, to Make the world a Better place!



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Community Focused

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In a world torn by the scars of conflict, we stand united, driven by a singular resolve: to extinguish the flames of war for eternity. War, with its relentless grip, only begets destruction and suffering, leaving behind a trail of broken lives and shattered dreams. But within our community, pulsates a collective heartbeat fueled by passion and determination. Together, we embrace the unwavering belief that peace is not just a distant dream but an achievable reality. Let us forge ahead, hand in hand, and pledge our unwavering commitment to banish war from our world's vocabulary forever. For in unity lies the power to rewrite the future and sculpt a world where harmony reigns supreme.


War Only creates more destruction...So let’s all Ban together to stop all wars forever.

Why should a limited few be allowed to settle their petty disputes at the cost of human lives